
Scientific Bioprocessing was founded in 2019 and since then we have begun delivering Digitally Simplified Bioprocessing to scientists around the world. We’re a group of thinkers, doers, and we love to have fun! Find the next step in your career with sbi and join the family!

We can’t wait to meet you.

Scientists are using our CGQ, CGQ BioR and LIS technology to generate high quality data for publications. Here you can find all available publications covering our products:

Job Openings - World:
  • Product Marketing Internship

    During your internship as a Product Marketer at sbi, you will support our Marketing team and will help with content creation but also get an insight into a broad variety of marketing activities. This internship is ideal for students enrolled in a scientific program that want to explore alternative career paths to a classical science career, while maintaining a close relationship to the biotechnology space.

    This internship includes but is not limited to:

    • In-depth customer understanding
      • Together with the Product Managers apply voice of the Customer Plan/Methods (VOC) to understand customer needs/problems
      • Regularly meet and or join calls with customers
    • Content Creation
      • Be responsible for the development / optimization of all marketing / sales assets incl. Whitepapers, Flyers, Product Presentations, Application Notes, Infographics, and others
      • Work closely with our digital marketing team to develop e.g., online marketing campaigns, webpage content, social media posts, blog posts or video content
      • Manage publication projects with external partners together with the Application Scientists
      • Identify new channels and content formats that resonate with our target audiences

    The skills required for this position:

    • You should be a student enrolled in a scientific or engineering Bachelor/Master program, in the fields of Microbiology, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or related fields.
    • Any experience in fermentation / bioprocess development / metabolic engineering / strain development / cell culture or in a similar field are a plus.
    • Any previous Marketing experience is a plus.
    • You “speak science”. We emphasize scientifically accurate content and are looking for someone who can convert complicated technical and scientific information (e.g data sets from publications) into easy-to-understand and resonating content formats and messages for different target personas and channels
    • Self-starter, hard-working and driven
    • Excellent English skills, German is not a must but other languages are beneficial
    • Open-minded person who enjoys the exchange with customers and other team members in a diverse team (US, Germany)

    The position is available remotely (Germany or USA) or locally in our Headquarter in Baesweiler, Germany. 

    We are flexible with regards to the duration (anything from 3-8 months), starting around 1st of July 2024. We would be open to consider part-time internships (e.g. 3 days/week). 

    If you want to join a young team of highly talented and motivated people as well as to enjoy flexible working times and locations, then we look forward to getting to know you personally.

    Interested persons may send their full applications to, including CV, graduation certificates, performance records and, if available, job or project references. A letter of application is not required.

Job Openings - Europe:
Job Openings - USA: